The Cleansing

Mrs. Rockefeller forgave her daughter for all of the carnage she had caused. However, the town of Chilton did not. The countless lives claimed by the girl could not be brought back. The innocent that had fallen at her hand reached numbers unheard of. Although the girl was not in control of her body, the blood was on her hands in the eyes of everyone else. For what Mrs. Rockefeller saw as her sweet little girl, the townsfolk saw a flesh hungry demon, waiting to strike when they turn a blind eye. This was not an innocent little girl anymore. She was a cold blooded killer with the demons heart to them. The Rockefeller girl was put in restraints. When she became conscious, the paleness in her face had faded.The pigment of her skin turned to a natural rosy pink and the cool blue had returned to her eyes. The townsfolk would not buy it. The girl was bound by her arms and legs with a tight knot of rope. They strapped blocks to her to make sure there was no chance of survival. The girl screamed as she was drug like an anchor to the dock. The townsfolk felt no emotion, for they had witnessed what the girl was capable of. Her mother fought through the crowd, scratching and tearing at the men carrying her daughter. She was apprehended and drug away from the scene. The girl’s sweet exterior could not shine through the murders the demon inside of her had been responsible for. The demon that had taken over the girl’s body was gone, but even freed, the girl had become trapped inside the demon’s shell. The shell that had been created for her. The Rockefeller girl sank to the bottom, screams muffled by the chilling water. The town of Chilton was peaceful, yet again.