Road Less Traveled

The demon began its long journey back to the small town of Chilton. The trek was over three hundred miles, a distance unheard of for a mere human to travel by foot. But the demon was no mere human. She was a hulking monster, capable of feats no human could ever come close to comparing to. With her strength built up, the demon had the stamina to travel this distance two times over. The blood of its enemies pumped through the demons huge vesicular body. The ground shook with each thundering step the demon took. The beast ran on all fours, showcasing its animalistic approach. The demon was exposed to harsh weather conditions on its journey. A thick sandstorm had procured and blasted the demon with sharp grains of sand, dirt and other debris. The beast’s flesh was shredded with each gust of wind. It pushed through the pain. The journey had taken days and beast was nearly to the halfway point. The conditions worsened as the demon trekked on. It had become unbearable. The beast grew weak. Suffering from exhaustion and covered in lacerations, the beast slowly pushed on. The plan was formulating in the back of her head as to what to do to the townsfolk when she finally arrived. Her mind raced, thinking of the utter pain and destruction she would bring down upon the small town of Chilton. It would give a sweet satisfaction to see the town that had turned her and her family away suffer like she had. Was she to kill them all in a huge massacre of sorts, or drag it out in a slow, painful plot to make her victim’s suffer, killing them one by one? There was much time to think, as the demon still had 150 miles to travel before reaching Chilton.