The Cleansing
Mrs. Rockefeller forgave her daughter for all of the carnage she had caused. However, the town of Chilton did not. The countless lives...

Finally Free
The demon was just a few miles from its destination. It was time. Time to enact revenge upon the villagers who ran her and her family out...

Road Less Traveled
The demon began its long journey back to the small town of Chilton. The trek was over three hundred miles, a distance unheard of for a...

Losing Control
The Rockefeller girl had become ravenous. It was no longer her in charge of her body. The demon made the decisions. The beast had...

Taking Hold
It had been weeks since the Rockefellers had fled their home town of Chilton. The small packs of supplies they carried on their backs...

The town of Chilton had become desperate. They had banded together to stop the curse planted on their lives once and for all. That curse,...

The Rockefeller girl’s condition never improved, in fact, it seemed to only worsen as the days went on. The girl’s face had turned an ice...

The Beginning of the End
It did not occur to the townsfolk that anything was wrong until several weeks after the Oxfords had been banished. One of the Rockefeller...

The Oxfords
With the coming of the new family, the Oxfords, came distress and something the people of Chilton were not used to, anger. Up until now,...

Our story begins in a small town outside of Blue Springs, Missouri. Welcome to Chilton. The people of Chilton were a close, tight knit...